
Nominations for the 2024 NHS Athletic Hall of Fame are now CLOSED.

If you would like to begin collecting the necessary information for a candidate’s consideration before the Selection Committee for the Hall of Fame for next year, please see the requirements below.

Nomination Criteria

Individuals may be nominated in one of three categories:

  • Athlete
  • Coach
  • Distinguished Service

To be eligible as an Athlete, an individual must have:

  • graduated from Napa High at least fifteen years ago If high school was interrupted by military service, a person may be eligible if not a graduate.
  • participated in at least one interscholastic sport as an undergraduate
  • lived an adult life that did not discredit the school or the community

To be eligible as a Coach, an individual must have:

  • coached at least one interscholastic athletic team at Napa High School
  • been employed by or contributed services to Napa High School as a coach for at least five years and be no longer active as a coach at Napa High School
  • lived an adult life that did not discredit the school or community

To be eligible in the Distinguished Service Category, an individual must have:

  • participated in an activity that brought honor or positive recognition to the athletic department of Napa High School
  • contributed in some substantial way to the improvement of Napa High School athletic programs
  • lived an adult life that did not discredit the school or the community

Note: The qualifications for the Distinguished Service Category are intentionally broad and relatively non-restrictive because the Foundation wants to honor people who have brought positive input to the athletic program of Napa High. Those who may not have Hall of Fame credentials, but make significant contributions to the success of the athletic program may qualify in the distinguished service category.

Nomination Requirements

  • Provide correct name, current address, telephone number and graduating class of nominee. If deceased, the next of kin, with address and telephone number
  • Provide $20.00 nomination fee
  • Provide accurate information on accomplishments of nominee – years played or coached, sports played or coached, awards won, records set, leadership awards, scholastic awards, scholarships, etc.
  • The senior year of a person graduating in 1980 would be listed:
    • 1979 Football
    • 1979-80 Basketball
    • 1980 Baseball
    • 1980 Track
  • Provide documentation of all information provided in #3. Documentation may be newspaper articles, yearbooks, coaches or teammates’ letters, copies of certificates, or any other proof of statement. Please limit your documentation to 10-20 pages.
  • The Selection Committee is looking for verification that the nominee was all-league, MVP, captain of the team or attained some similar significant accomplishment, such as a college scholarship or played a professional sport. Please highlight the nominee’s name on any documents submitted so that committee members may refer to pertinent information with ease.
  • Undocumented descriptions of a person’s achievements may be ignored by the committee.
  • Submit completed nomination form and all accompanying documents to:
    Napa High Athletic Hall of Fame
    1880 Sutter Ct.
    Napa, California 94559